• Top tools must have for iPhone bent repair

    February 12, 2019 | Blog | Sal
  • Most of the people use their back pocket to place their phones. However, if you forget this while you are siting down, your phone may bend. Bended phone could be dangerous. Battery of the phone could be squeezed by the other parts of the phone. Squeezed battery could explode instantly. You must fix the bent as soon as possible. iPhone bent repair may challenging task if you don’t know the steps that you have to applied or you don’t have proper tools to fix it.

    Smartphone Industry

    Cell phones became parts of our live at 90s. First cell phones were huge as walkie talkies. Also, they didn’t have internet access at these times. You could only make phone calls and texting. At the end of the 1996, Nokia introduced the phone that have internet access. This changed the game totally. Competitors of the Nokia had started to introduce new models that had internet access. However, none of them became as successful as Nokia. Until the 2007, Nokia introduced several models that have camera, internet access and other stuff like that. Size of the phones became smaller year by year. After 2007, Apple introduced the very first model of the iPhone. This was the milestone of the phone industry. First iPhone was thinner than the models that introduced by the Nokia. Also, there were not buttons on it. This was a revolutionary step; however, first iPhone and the successor models are more fragile than the Nokia models. They could be easily broken or bended. There are lots of people that their iPhone is bended and require iPhone bent repair.


    Very basic tools are required to fix the bent problem. You need first proper screwdriver to remove the back case of the phone. However, conventional screwdrivers are not suitable for iPhone. You must buy the proper screwdriver that can remove screws of your iPhone. After that, you need sea clamp. You can buy it for 4 -5 US dollars from online shopping websites. Last thing you need is small wooden blocks. Thanks to these tools, you can have done the iPhone bent repair. There are several videos on YouTube that explain how you going to fix the bent step by step. Also, you can find instructions to fix the bent on the other websites. If you follow the right steps, fixing bent will become easy task to you.

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